Restaurant & Bar Design Awards 2021
Best Europe Bar - Regional Winner
We Love Budapest
East meets West at Múzsa, the stunning new cocktail bar at the Gresham Palace
Dining Guide
Category-creating cocktail bar opens at Gresham Palace - a sneak preview of the Art Nouveau world of MÚZSA
Forbes Hungary
Four Seasons Budapest opens a cocktail bar in the middle of the pandemic, positioned as one of the 50 Best Bars in the world
Four Seasons Press Room
MÚZSA at Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace Budapest Secures a Spot on the Prestigious 50 Best Discovery List
A magyar koktélmester, aki Lady Gagának keverte a fröccsöt
Dining Guide
„A célom továbbra is a vendégélmény folyamatos emelése.” – Interjú Becker Gábor Head Sommelier-vel
Dining Guide
Parafadugóval lezárt, rendhagyó kraft sört adott ki a Múzsa, a MONYO és a tokaji Gizella Pincészet
Herendi X Múzsa – újraélt aranykor
Daily News Hungary
Spend a great weekend with World’s 50 best bars guest bartenders at Four Seasons Hotel Budapest